Entry 16

Synopsis: The film XXWHY on Sree Nandu, an F@M transgender from Kerala, India, poses many uncomfortable issues that questions he notions of social positionalities and fixed gender identities. Twenty five year old Sree Nandu is the first in Kerala to come to public with transgender identity.

‘Like a typical man, like a typical woman, I am a typical Transgender’, declares Sree Nandu. Weaving together his biography “Searching for Space” and his interviews of his partner and biographer, the film explores the modes and politics of representation, the relevance of sexuality discourses in the contemporary social milieu and the dilemmas of the transgender.

The context: Is transgender born, gendered or choice by freedom? How good a female to male (F2M) can root one’s identity in a male-female society? What is sexuality of an F2M while in sex with a woman? The social context was to document the trauma of those who question the hegemony of power structures and notions of fixed gender categories prevalent in the society. Suffering and redemption, destruction and self destruction, love and hatred, pain and joy, all go entwined and entangled in Sree Nandu, while the under current is accumulating trauma and the determination to survive. Quite strange in a social milieu where transgenders are still invisible and inaudible.


  1. geetha said,

    June 21, 2009 at 6:21 pm

    watched this movie in tvmfilmfestival. i think this is the first one of its kind from kerala speaking about the trnsgender issues. i tthink the film is sucessful in conveying such sesnsitive and delicate issues in a most constuctive and acceptable fashion to a very conservative kerala society. the film to a large extent was able to narrate the tauma and problems of the transgender people like nandu.

  2. vikas said,

    September 11, 2009 at 1:01 pm

    Watched this movie at Toronto festival . beautiful and touching rendering of the life trajectory of Nandu .
    Conrats for a good narration

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